Master storytellers

Your business is a chapter in the story of your life. Let us conjure engagement by proclaiming your story through a stellar website and online marketing activities. And just like any good story...people will share it. Just watch.

Book with exploding color.

Sui Generis

adjective  soo-ahy jen-er-is  Latin; unique, literally: of its own kind.
This basically sums up what kind of website we want to build for you. No matter how many competitors you are trying to dethrone, you will be unique in your industry. You are just that cool. Forget thinking outside the box, let's think outside the spoon.

apples and pineapples

ink blog

Sound the alarm! We are writing crazy stuff on our blog that you should read and subscribe to immediately. Not all of it involves pineapple analogies. If you like what we're slicin' than give us a shout out next time you are on David Letterman. We'll send you something nice.

Show me the way
blog book

Make Headlines

If the news isn't interested in you then chances are that people aren't interested either. That's like a homeless person refusing your money. We want to design, develop, and implement something so delicious that the media and people will start coming to you. When they do, don't forget to give them a pineapple. Or a pineapple daiquiri.


We Believe The Internet Is The Best Platform for storytelling.

Although you cannot tell from our name, we are a digital agency. That means we tell amazing stories about businesses just like yours using a stellar mixture of web marketing and good ol' fashioned, finger-lickin' word of mouth. Before we tell you why our company is named Pineapple Ink, you have to tell us the story of your business. After all, your story is much more important. We are based in the sexy city of Charlotte in Carolina of the North. That really doesn't matter though because as long as you can speak a little English and are in the habit of wearing clothes we can help you.

What makes you different from other companies?
Our price, our storytelling style, and our desire to help you because you are a human.

Who is your ideal client?
Small to mid-size commpany looking to improve their virtual front door and tell their story better. It is essential to have a modern website this day and age.

How long have you been in business?
2496+ weeks. That's longer than the time it takes to go from seed to pineapple.

"I don't know anything about websites."
Well...that's not a question. Although that is why we should work together. Chances are we don't know much about running your business but we sneeze websites. Let's talk.


What we can do for you.

As you may have already gathered we tell your story. There are tons of ways we do that. First, of course, is developing the best strategy for your budget, your business, and your audience. This will serve as the treasure map. Then we will use the best the web has to offer to execute our strategy. Here are some actions de jur:

.: Web Design   .: Graphic Design
.: Email Marketing   .: Public Relations
.: SEO   .: Social Media
.: Guerilla Marketing   .: Blogging/Newsletters
.: Video   .: Audio/Podcasts
.: Copywriting    



Greg Bartos is a true professional who employs tremendous vision and technical concepts to achieve each client's objectives. Greg is extremely passionate about getting results and is relentless in his pursuit of excellence.

- Nate Huggins, CEO Blessed Assurance


Greg makes cool websites. He knows what looks stupid and how to avoid it. He's like a spell-checker for your website's style.

- Peter Squicciarini, President of Quo Vadis


Check out how we spend our time.


Tell us your story. We're listening.

Slide the pineapple below into the basket to contact us. Or you may use traditional methods...Give us a call, send us an email, contact us through social media, or light the beacon on Mount Gildor.
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